Ingleside Terraces Email Groups

Email group


Sundial Newletter

Then and now photos

Where IT's Happening

  • Terraces Discussion Email Group receives announcements about ITHA events and also has discussions; any member or subscriber may post a message.

  • ITHA Announcements-Only Email Group receives announcements about ITHA events; only ITHA Board members and the webmaster may post an announcement.

  • You may belong to either the Terraces Group or to the ITHA Group. You do not need to belong to both groups.

  • Each group has well over 100 members.  The ITHA Announcements-Only group averages 4 emails per month. The Terraces Discussion group averages two emails per day (2009); however, when there are topics of great interest, the number of emails increases.  Daily digest or abridged email is available for the Terraces group, or even no email, read it on the web.

  • Try our new Terraces Ning, a user-generated website. The Ning is a supplement to this website and our email groups.

  • Terraces Discussion Email Group

  • ITHA Announcements-Only Email Group.
    • Benefits
      • Notices about ITHA events and meetings are posted to the ITHA Announcements-Only Email/Google Group as well as to the Terraces Group. Only ITHA Board members and the webmaster may post to the ITHA group. Recipients are not able to respond to the ITHA Group.
    • How to join
      • For the ITHA Announcements Group, we add all email addresses that we have for those who do not belong to the Terraces Group. You may unsubscribe from this group. If you have not been added to this group but would like to join, email me at (replace # with @) and request to be added to the group.
      • To join as a member, you need to go to ITHA Email Group and create a Google account with your email address and a password.
    • Participation
      • Both subscribers and members receive email messages from the ITHA group.
      • Only members who have created a Google account can view the online archives and edit their profile. (There is more information in the Terraces online archives than in the ITHA archives.) Only ITHA Board members and the webmaster can view the members list.