Scroll down to see keywords. Scroll horizontally to see all of the panorama.  Right click + for larger image. Photos were taken from the windows at the top of Coit Tower 3/5/25.
Coit Tower Panorama
NW:          Golden Gate Bridge                      Marin Headlands                                  Mt. Tamalpais

                                                         Aquatic Park                           Fisherman's Wharf       SkyStar Wheel
Coit Tower Panorama
N:                    Alcatraz                                   Angel Island

                      Pier 39                                                                                       Pier 35                                Pier 33

Coit Tower Panorama
NE:                                                                                                                                                      Treasure Island

                               Pier 31                                            Pier 29                                                  Pier 27 cruise ships
Coit Tower Panorama
E: Treasure Island   Administration Building Museum     Bay Bridge east               Yerba Buena Island                         Bay Bridge West

     Pier 27                                                                                                             Pier 23                         Pier 21             Pier 19
Coit Tower Panorama
SE:  Bay Bridge west

Pier 19                                                                                         Ferry Building

Coit Tower Panorama
S:            Salesforce Tower 1070', Four Seasons Hotel 695', Transamerica Pyramid 853',           555 California 780'

Coit Tower Panorama
SW:                                           Fairmont Hotel                                                              Sutro Tower               Twin Peaks

Coit Tower Panorama
W:                                        Washington Square                        Sts. Peter and Paul Church

Coit Tower Panorama

NW:                                      Golden Gate Bridge                      Marin Headlands                                            Mt. Tamalpais

                                                                             Aquatic Park                                     Fisherman's Wharf                    Ferris Wheel

Creative Commons License
Robert Karis