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Useful Websites
- Interactive Poetry from ETTC. Create poetry by filling in the blanks.
- Moving Stories Watch Animated stories such as Anansi and the Pot of Beans and A Tale of Two Frogs Available free from August House. Titles change.
- Kids Space from the Internet Public Library Free. Features Reference, Science Fair help, Author Pages, Story Hour, U.S. Presidents, Arts & Crafts, Games, and much more.
- American Memory Primary source materials from the Library of Congress in many forms: documents, photographs, films, maps, audio files, and more.
- LIFE magazine historical photo image archive hosted by Google
- Today in History from the Library of Congress.
- On This Day Highlights in history from the New York Times learning network.
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[ Rainy Weather ] [ Dr. Seuss ] [ Saint Patrick's Day ]
[ Women's History Month ]
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Rainy Weather Books
- Rain by Robert Kalan ; illustrated by Donald Crews. (551.5/KAL)
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett (E/BAR)
- Talking Like the Rain: a read-to-me Book of Poems selected by X.J. Kennedy and Dorothy Kennedy ; illustrated by Jane Dyer. (821/TAL)
- The Umbrella by Jan Brett (E/BRE)
- Who is Tapping at My Window by A.G. Deming (E/DEM)
- Rain Feet by Angela Johnson (E/JOH)
- Puddles by Jonathan London (E/LON)
- Red Rubber Boot Day by Mary Lyn Ray (E/RAY)
- The Rain Came Down by David Shannon (E/SHA)
Umbrella by Taro Yashima (E/YAS)
Celebrate Dr. Seuss
- Celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss, March 2. Read a biography Dr. Seuss : We Love You by Patricia Stone Martin or Oh the Places He Went: a Story of Dr. Seuss, Theodore Seuss Geisel by Maryann N. Weidt (B/SEUSS)
- Google's tribute to Dr. Seuss -- can you identify the Seuss characters and books?
- Enjoy Seussville

Saint Patrick's Day and Irish Folklore
- Saint Patrick's Day from the History Channel
- The Last Snake in Ireland: a Story about St. Patrick by Sheila MacGill-Callahan ; illustrated by Will Hillenbrand (270.2/MAC)
- Fin M'Coul: The Giant of Knockmanyhill by Tomie dePaola (398.22/DEP)
- Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato: an Irish Folktale by Tomie dePaola (398.2/DEP)
- St. Patrick's Day by Dorothy Rhodes Freeman. (394.268/FRE)
- St. Patrick's Day by Mary Cantwell. (394.268/CAN)
- St. Patrick's Day in the Morning by Eve Bunting; illustrated by Jan Brett (E/BUN)
Celebrate Women's History Month
- Vision of Beauty: the story of Sarah Walker by Kathryn Lasky (B/WALKER)
- A Pictorial History of Women in America by Ruth Warren (301.41/WAR)
- The Ballot Box Battle by Emily Arnold McCully (324.6/MCC)
- Amelia to Zora: twenty-six Women Who Changed the World by Cynthia Chin-Lee (920/CHI)
- Players in Pigtails by Shana Corey (E/COR)
- Secrets on 26th Street by Elizabeth McDavid Jones (FIC/ JON)
Past months: Dec 07, Jan 08; Feb 08, Mar 08, Apr 08, May-June 08
2008-2009: Sept 08, Oct 08, Dec 08, Feb 09 |
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