Lab Links
Useful Websites
- Interactive Poetry from ETTC. Create poetry by filling in the blanks.
- Moving Stories Watch Animated stories such as Anansi and the Pot of Beans and A Tale of Two Frogs Available free from August House. Titles change.
- Kids Space from the Internet Public Library Free. Features Reference, Science Fair help, Author Pages, Story Hour, U.S. Presidents, Arts & Crafts, Games, and much more.
- American Memory Primary source materials from the Library of Congress in many forms: documents, photographs, films, maps, audio files, and more.
- LIFE magazine historical photo image archive hosted by Google
- Today in History from the Library of Congress.
- On This Day Highlights in history from the New York Times learning network.
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Authors of the Month
Jan Brett
website includes author information, activities, coloring pages, games, contests, projects, videos, and more
Free printable book by Jan Brett: Hedgie Loves to Read
Patricia Polacco
website includes author information, fun stuff, books, videos, and more
Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
Requires edstop login
Winter Celebrations
Which do you celebrate?
Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Saint Nicholas Day, St. Lucia Festival, Yule, Boxing Day, Diwali, Hogmanay, Dongzhi Festival, Eid al-Adha, Bodhi Day, Samhain, Los Posadas,
the Twelve Days of Christmas
Books about Winter Festivals
- Celebrations: Festivals, Carnivals, and Feast Days from Around the World by Anabel Kindersley (394.26 KIN)
- Festivals by Meryl Doney (394.2 DOR)
Books about Winter
- Animals in Winter by Helen Bancroft (591.56 BAN)
- Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson (E WIL)
- The Mitten and The Hat -- two books by Jan Brett (E BRE)
- Winter Poems selected by Barbara Rogasky; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman (811.008 ROG)
- Footprints in the Snow by Cynthia Benjamin; illustrated by Jacqueline Rogers. (ER BEN)
- Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days by Cynthia Rylant; illustrated by Sucie Stevenson. (ER RYL)
- Poppleton in Winter by Cynthia Rylant; illustrated by Mark Teague. (ER RYL)
- Brian's Winter by Gary Paulson (FIC PAU) Companion book to: Hatchet and The River. Instead of being rescued from a plane crash, as in the author's book Hatchet, this story portrays what would have happened to Brian had he been forced to survive a winter in the wilderness with only his survival pack and hatchet.
Books about Hanukkah (Chanukah)
- The Tie Man's Miracle by Steven Schnur
- The Story of Hannukkah by Amy Ehrlich; paintings by Ori Sherman (394.268 EHR)
- The Hanukkah Story by Morrison David Bial; pictures by Stephen Kraft (394.268 BIA)
- Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins by Eric A. Kimmel; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman (E KIM)
- Gramdma's Latkes by Malka Drucker ; illustrated by Eve Chwast. (E DRU)
Books about Hanukkah and Christmas
- Elijah's Angel: a Story for Chanukah and Christmas by Michael J. Rosen; illustrated by Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson. (E ROS) Based on a true story of Elijah Pierce (1892-1984), a lay minister, barber, and woodcarver from Columbus, Ohio. When Christmas and Hannukkah occur at the same time, Elijah, an African American barber, gives Michael, a Jewish boy a gift of a carved guardian angel. Michael doesn't know what to do since the Christmas angel is a "graven image," forbidden in Michael's home.
- The Trees of the Dancing Goats by Patricia Polacco. (E POL) During a scarlet-fever epidemic one winter in Michigan, a Jewish family helps make Christmas special for their sick neighbors by making their own Hanukkah miracle.
Books about Christmas
- Brian Wildersmith's The Twelve Days of Christmas (E WIL)
- The Night Before Christmas A.K.A. A Visit from St. Nicholas by Clement C. Moore (811 MOO)
- Christmas in the Big House; Christmas in the Quarters by Pat McKissack; illustrated by John Thompson. (975.03 MCK)
- Tree of Cranes by Allen Say (E SAY)
- Madeline's Christmas by Ludwig Bemelmans (E BEM)
- Going Home by Eve Bunting (E BUN)
- Country Angel Christmas by Tomie dePaola. (E DEP)
- An Early American Christmas by Tomie dePaola (E DEP)
- A Green Christmas by Theodora Kroeber; Illustrated by John Larrecq (E KRO)
- An Ellis Island Christmas by Maxinne Rhea Leighton; illustrated by Dennis Nolan (E LEI)
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. (E SEU)
- The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg (E VAN)
- Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish; pictures by Lynn Sweat. (ER PAR)
- Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake by Cynthia Rylant; illustrated by Arthur Howard. (ER RYL)
- Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (FIC DICKENS)
- The Coat-hanger Christmas Tree by Eleanor Estes; Illustrated by Susanne Suba (FIC EST)
- The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson; pictures by Judith Gwyn Brown. (FIC ROB)
- The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie de Paola (E DEP)
Books about Kwanzaa
- African-American Holidays by Fith Winchester (394.2 WIN)
- Seven Candles for Kwanzaa by Andrea Davis Pinkney; pictures by Brian Pinkney. (394.26 PIN)
- My First Kwanzaa by Deborah M. Newton Chocolate; illustrated by Cal Massey (394.238 CHO)
- Big Bob and the Winter Holiday Potato by Daniel Manus Pinkwater; illustrated by Jill Pinkwater. (ER PIN)
Websites about Winter Festivals
Saint Nicholas
Winter Solstice
Saint Lucia
Discover Stories at Story Bee

Enjoy Seussville

Ability Awareness Books
- Be Good to Eddie Lee by Virginia Fleming (E/FLE): the story of a boy with Down's Syndrome
- Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman (E/FOR): a boy on crutches
- How Smudge Came Story by Nan Gregory (E/GRE)
- Through Granpa's Eyes by Patricia MacLachlan (E/MAC): story of a boy who learns about the world from his blind grandfather
- Rules by Cynthia Lord (FIC/LORD): story of a sister whose autistic brother prevents her from having a normal life but leads to an unusual frienship with a paraplegic boy.
- The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd (FIC/DOWD): a boy who thinks differently solves a mystery
- Freak the Mighty by Rod Philbrick (FIC/PHILBRICK): the friendship between two boys, one a small genius and the other a bumbling giant, leads to new understanding, adventure, and some sadness
Fun Activities
Past months: Dec 07, Jan 08; Feb 08, Mar 08, Apr 08, May-June 08
2008-2009: Sept 08, Oct 08, Dec 08, Feb 09, Mar 09, June 09
2009-2010: Fall 09, Dec 09
Book Links: Discover your genre
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