Lab Links
Useful Websites
- Interactive Poetry from ETTC. Create poetry by filling in the blanks.
- Moving Stories Watch Animated stories such as Anansi and the Pot of Beans and A Tale of Two Frogs Available free from August House. Titles change.
- Kids Space from the Internet Public Library Free. Features Reference, Science Fair help, Author Pages, Story Hour, U.S. Presidents, Arts & Crafts, Games, and much more.
- American Memory Primary source materials from the Library of Congress in many forms: documents, photographs, films, maps, audio files, and more.
- LIFE magazine historical photo image archive hosted by Google
- Today in History from the Library of Congress.
- On This Day Highlights in history from the New York Times learning network.
[top] |
January 2010
Month of Poetry, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Civil Rights, Heroes
Try the new Web Portal
San Mateo Web Portal: Requires login
Provides access to educational resources including World Book, EBSCO, Maps,, Starfall, Learn360, Documents, and more.
Authors of the Month:
Vera B. Williams
- A Chair for My Mother
- Something Special for Me
- Music Music
- A Chair for Always
Video Interview with Vera B. Williams about her newest "Rosa" book |
Patricia McKissack
- Flossie & the Fox
- A Million Fish -- More or Less
- Goin' Someplace Special
- The Dark-thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural
- Madam C.J. Walker
- Mary McLeod Bethune
- Mirandy and Brother Wind
- Stitchin' and Pullin' : A Gee's Bend Quilt
Listen to an interview with Patricia McKissack about quilt book |
Write a poem for the Burlingame Public Library January 4 to 31, 2010
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Civil Rights
The King Center Website
with biography of MLK, archival video, speeches, etc.
- I Have a Dream: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Illustrated edition) Foreword by Coretta Scott King -- B/ KING
- My Dream of Martin Luther King by Faith Ringgold -- B KING
- Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport -- B KING
- Happy Birthday Martin Luther King by Jean Marzollo -- B KING
- Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March Toward Freedom by Rita Hakim -- B KING
- I See the Promised Land by Walter Dean Myers -- B/KING
- Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with Mrs. Park's Class by Alma Flor Ada -- E ADA
- Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! by Eleanor E. Tate -- FIC TATE
Civil Rights Leaders and Actions
- Montgomery Bus Boycott by Stein -- 323 STE
- Meet Rosa Parks by Melody Mis -- B PARKS
- Rosa by Nikki Giovanni -- B PARKS
- Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott -- B PARKS
- Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks Inspired a Nation by Andrea Pinkney -- E PIN
- Freedom River by Doreen Rappaport -- 973.7 RAP (Describes an incident in the life of John Parker, an ex-slave who became a successful businessman in Ripley, Ohio, and who repeatedly risked his life to help other slaves escape to freedom.)
- Let it Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters by Andrea Pinkney -- 920 PIN
- Great African Americans in Civil Rights by Pat Rediger -- 920 RED
- When Marian Sang by Pam Munoz Ryan -- B/ ANDERSON
- Meet Jesse Jackson by Melody S. Mis -- B/ JACKSON
- Meet Coretta Scott King by Melody Mis -- B/ KING CORETTA
- Goin' Someplace Special by Pat McKissack -- E/ MCK
- We Were There, Too!: Young people in U.S. History by Phillip Hoose -- 973/ HOO
- Leon's Story by Leon Tillage -- B/ TILLAGE
- Ida B. Wells by Dennis B. Fradin -- B/ WELLS
- The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles -- B/ BRIDGES
- Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges -- B/ BRIDGES
My Hero Project:
Celebrates Peace, Love and tolerance with art from around the globe
Discover Stories at Story Bee

Enjoy Seussville

Ability Awareness Books
- Be Good to Eddie Lee by Virginia Fleming (E/FLE): the story of a boy with Down's Syndrome
- Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman (E/FOR): a boy on crutches
- How Smudge Came Story by Nan Gregory (E/GRE)
- Through Granpa's Eyes by Patricia MacLachlan (E/MAC): story of a boy who learns about the world from his blind grandfather
- Rules by Cynthia Lord (FIC/LORD): story of a sister whose autistic brother prevents her from having a normal life but leads to an unusual frienship with a paraplegic boy.
- The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd (FIC/DOWD): a boy who thinks differently solves a mystery
- Freak the Mighty by Rod Philbrick (FIC/PHILBRICK): the friendship between two boys, one a small genius and the other a bumbling giant, leads to new understanding, adventure, and some sadness
Fun Activities
Past months: Dec 07, Jan 08; Feb 08, Mar 08, Apr 08, May-June 08
2008-2009: Sept 08, Oct 08, Dec 08, Feb 09, Mar 09, June 09
2009-2010: Fall 09, Dec 09
Book Links: Discover your genre
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