The San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department manages 180 playgrounds throughout San Francisco. San Francisco has an area of a little less than 47 square miles with an average of 3.8 playgrounds per square mile. Ingleside, Ingleside Terraces, and Merced Heights, from Junipero Serra Blvd. to I-280 and Ocean Avenue to the Merced Ridge is an area of 0.7 square miles, and therefore should have approximately 2.5 playgrounds, but instead have no public playgrounds.
Aptos Playground is north of Ocean Avenue, Junipero Serra Playground is west of Junipero Serra Boulevard, and the Merced Heights Playground is on lower Merced Ridge 100 feet higher than Urbano Drive. There was a playground at the Farragut School at Holloway and Capitol Avenues until it closed in the mid-1970's.