Craftsman Homes
Damaged benches and columns
Diego Rivera Pan American Unity Mural
Diego Rivera "The Making of a Fresco Showing the Building of a City"
San Francisco Landmark #294
Earthquake: Stereo photos of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
The Electrical Home
El Rey Theatre San Francisco Landmark #274
Email group
Guidelines for posting
Farragut School
Faux tile
Gap store
Hillclimbs: Mt. Davidson Manor, Merced Heights
History of Ingleside Terraces
Ingleside Terraces AQI
Ingleside Terraces Contractors and Businesses recommendations
Ingleside Terraces Homes Then-and-Now Photos
Ingleside Terraces Maps
Ingleside Terraces Street Names
Ingleside Terraces 100 Year Flood Map
Ingleside Track & Clubhouse
Internet Archive link to this website
ITHA Newsletters Archives website 2005-2010
Legion Court
Joseph Leonard
Joseph and George Leonard
The Joseph Leonard/Cecil Poole house San Francisco Landmark #213
Maps: Ingleside Terraces 1912 with location of homes
Maps: current Ingleside Terraces map showing boundaries, directions, and location of the Sundial, Ingleside Racetrack and Urbano drive
Neighborhood Playgrounds
Newspaper Archives, 1913
Paintings of Ingleside Terraces
Panorama: Coit Tower
Penrose tiles stained glass
Polo Field Cycle Track length
Pueblo architectural style
San Francisco Golf and Country Club
Solar Power:
Ingleside Terraces Solar Power
San Francisco Solar Power
Solar Map of San Francisco |
Forest Hills and Knolls Stairways Maps
Golden Gate Heights Stairways Maps
Muni Metro stairways and escalators
Statistics: Bayes' Theorem spreadsheet
Sundial Newsletters Archives
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article about sun dials
Article in the Sundial Newsletter, Summer, 2020, Page 3, about the Ingleside Terraces Sundial Plaque
Article in the Compendium, March, 2023, the Journal of the North American Sundial Society, about the Ingleside Terraces Sundial Equation of Time with Two Minute Intervals
Article in the Ingleside Light, 4/26/23, about the Ingleside Terraces Sundial
Equation of time
Extreme sundials
Geographic north
Hilltop Park Sundial
How to convert from sundial time to clock time
How to tell time with the Sundial
Ingleside Terraces Sundial
Aerial view showing compass rose
Ingleside Terraces Sundial architects. Article in the San Francisco Examiner, August 2, 1971.
Ingleside Terraces Sundial entry in the North American Sundial Society website
Ingleside Terraces Sundial history
IT Sundial Charts
IT Sundial Plaques
IT Sundial landmark application
IT Sundial marble plaque
Jantar_Mantar sundial accuracy
Parkmerced winter solstice sunset
Point of Infinity sculpture
QR code plaque
Solar noon on a street
Solar noon on a sundial
Standard clock time sundial
Stonehenge winter solstice sunset
Sundial accuracy
Sundial Bridge accuracy
Sundial factoids
Sundial plaques
Sundial slides
Sundial tables
There's something new under the sun dial, Summer, 2020.
UC Berkeley Sundial
Vertical sundial
Winter solstice
Urbano Drive length
West Coast Photos