Ingleside Terraces, San Francisco, Street Names

Ingleside Terraces street names are predominately Spanish in origin.

Ingleside Terraces street addresses
  • Alviso Street. Corporal Domingo Alviso was one of the original members of the de Anza expedition. Corporal Alviso lived but a short time after reaching San Francisco and was buried on March 11, 1777. His son, Ignacio, was a founder of the city of Alviso, California.
  • Borica Street. Diego de Borica (1742 - 1800) was a Basque colonial Governor of the Californias, from 1794 to 1800.
  • Cedro Avenue. A reddish cedarlike wood.
  • Cerritos Avenue. Spanish for "little hills".
  • Corona Street. Spanish for "crown".
  • De Soto Street. Hernando de Soto c. 1500 - May 21, 1542) was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who was involved in expeditions in Nicaragua and the Yucatan Peninsula. He played an important role in Francisco Pizarro's conquest of the Inca Empire in Peru, and also led the first European expedition deep into the territory of the modern-day United States (through Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and most likely Arkansas).
  • Entrada Court. "Entrance" in Spanish; Entrada is the entrance to the Sundial Park (although before the sundial was built in 1913, Entrada was the entrance to a small park).
  • Estero Avenue. Spanish for estuary, where the river meets the sea.
  • Ingleside. The name derives from the Ingleside Inn roadhouse in the late 1800's at the southeast corner of Ocean Road and today's Junipero Serra Boulevard. Ingle is a Celtic term for a domestic fireplace.
  • Junipero Serra Boulevard. A street that predates Ingleside Terraces, named after the Franciscan friar who established missions in Mexico and California.
  • Lunado Way. Lunado means "crescent shaped" in Spanish. It is crescent-shaped, as any walker or bicyclist can attest.
    Lunado Court could be the shortest street in Ingleside Terraces, but its house numbers indicate that it is an extension of Lunado Way.
  • Mercedes Way. Mercedes is a common Spanish feminine name.
  • Moncada Way. Fernando Rivera y Moncada was the third governor of the Californias, 1774 - 1777.
  • Monticello Street. Another street that crosses Holloway Avenue and the naming after Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, which means "little mountain" in Italian, predates Ingleside Terraces.
  • Ocean Avenue, originally Ocean House Road in the late 1800's.
  • Paloma Avenue. Spanish for "dove".
  • Pico Avenue: Don Pio Pico (May 5, 1801 - September 11, 1894) was a Californio politician, ranchero, and merchant that served as the last Governor of Alta California under Mexican rule. He also had acromegalic features with a prominent nose. Pico means "beak" or "small" in Spanish, so the naming of Pico Avenue, the shortest street in Ingleside Terraces, and which looks like a beak on a map, is a fine triple word play.
  • Urbano Drive, named after the Urban Realty Improvement Company, URICO, the developers of Ingleside Terraces.
  • Victoria Street: Victoria Street crosses Holloway Avenue, and the naming after Queen Victoria predates Ingleside Terraces.

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Cedro Avenue
Cerritos Avenue
Clubhouse and
Ingleside Racetrack

De Soto Street
Head Street
Holloway Avenue
Ingleside Paths
Junipero Serra Boulevard
Lunado Way
Mercedes Way
Moncada Way
Ocean Avenue
Paloma Avenue
Sundial and Urbano Drive
Sundial booklet
Victoria Street

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