Ingleside Terraces Street Addresses, San Francisco

This map summarizes the block by block location of street addresses in Ingleside Terraces.
Click here for a 1912 map showing homes locations.

Ingleside Terraces Street Names
Many people have said that street addresses in Ingleside Terraces are confusing.
The addresses are in numerical order, but you have to remember a few unique features:
  1. The 800 block of Urbano is followed by the 00 block of Urbano.
  2. The blocks within the Urbano oval are the 100 blocks (Borica, Corona, and De Soto, in alphabetical order from west to east).  Except for the 700 block of Victoria.
  3. Addresses on streets intersecting with Ocean Avenue start at the 00 block and the numbers increase (Paloma, Cedro, and Cerritos).  Except for Victoria, which starts at the 800 block, and Ashton, the 300 block, and then the numbers decrease.
  4. Junipero Serra Boulevard has a 600 block and an 800 block, but no 700 block, those houses are in the 100 block of Lunado and the backs of the houses are on Junipero Serra.
  5. Junipero Serra Boulevard, Monticello St., Victoria St., and Head St. keep the same name north and south of Holloway Ave. Lunado changes to Beverly, Alviso to Byxbee, Borica to Ralston, Corona to Vernon or Arch, and De Soto to Ramsell when they cross Holloway.
  6. North-south streets in the Terraces (and south of the Terraces) have the numbers increase from south to north.  Except for Junipero Serra, which has the numbers increase from north to south.
  7. North-south streets in the Terraces have even numbered addresses on the east side of the street. Except for Junipero Serra, which has even numbered addresses on the west side (Lakeside).
  8. Entrada Court has 21 even-numbered houses, but only six with odd numbers.
  9. Some houses on the corners of Holloway have a Holloway address, some have an address on the north-south street, and in other cases, the house on one corner has a Holloway address, and the house on the opposite corner has an address on the north-south street. In order to see individual house addresses, use google or msn maps, or San Francisco parcel maps, or
  10. The map, scanned from the 1914 Sundial booklet, has Borica misspelled. Thanks to H Chase for picking that up, albeit 95 years late.

Alphabetical Index
Clickable Map
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Cedro Avenue
Cerritos Avenue
De Soto Street
Head Street and Holloway Avenue
Ingleside Paths
Junipero Serra Boulevard
Mercedes Way
Moncada Way
Ocean Avenue
Paloma Avenue
Sundial and Urbano Drive
Sundial booklet
Victoria Street

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